Monday, January 26, 2009

The SEO guide for a non profits website

While the internet is filled with the business oriented SEO marketing tips, tactics etc there is hardly anything exclusively written about for the non-profits website. Your first stimuli to this thought might be that they do not need SEO as they aren’t in the race for money! But hey! SEO isn’t just about money, it’s about reaching out to people too and non profits website need that the most!

So, here’s an attempt to make an SEO guide for non-profits website. The most important aspects of SEO can be outlined even for this case of non-profits:
1. Keyword research
2. On Page SEO
3. Internal link building
4. external link building

A word of fact here-External link building should be the strongest of all the four aspects, in terms of getting higher ranks in search engines.

If you have a non-profit website than you are quite more likely to get an external link pointing to you. Yes, the web world’s all about the commercialization of links, but many people do support non-profits and lend out links for free (maybe to just disguise the fact that they cannot do something as noble as what you are doing!). So, one of the most important things you need to do is to let people know about your good work. Display it in bold about your non-profit status and encourage people/visitors to join hands in the good cause in the form of donations, gifts, active participation, building links, referring to people etc.

How to make your issue visible?

The power of internet is in its network i.e. the people. So, get as much as people for your cause. Obviously, you need to have a good idea for this, without which people wouldn’t cling on with your website. Once you get the people you need to organize them around the idea, make leaders out of them and then you’ll have a lot of doors open for your cause. The traditional approach of banging doors of the rich is now tweaked. You inspire the people and they’ll bang the doors in unison! Trust me; the sound will be loud enough that it’ll surely compel the rich to donate money!

You may go about using the basics, but as a non-profit you would need much more than just keyword research and stuffs!

Keyword research: This holds a great value in the SEO domain. Get the keywords from various tools around the web. Concentrate on keywords that are associated with your cause and tweak around them to churn out some other related words.

Placing of the keywords: Use the keywords in the title, in the beginning would be better. Come up with ‘rich on keyword density’ articles.

Some other important things needed to be done by a non-profit

1. Tell the stories using images, evidences, videos, documents etc. Let them know the hard reality.
2. Create a brand
3. Encourage sharing and communities.
4. Twitter and socialize in social networking sites
5. link up with both other non-profits and commercial websites
6. Build a platform for people to express their views and opinions.
7. Develop partnership with donors. Involve them in your activities.
8. Tell each donor to refer at least ten friends.
9. Use widgets.
10. Use free services available just for the non-profits!

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